Overview - Profiles

Profiles contain company specific information as well as estimating rates, discounts, estimating rules, and workfile repair management options. Profiles are centralized by CCC. When a profile is sent to you, a message screen opens. This allows you to accept or reject profile changes and/or new profiles from your location, or from an insurance company. This occurs when the profile has been changed or created by another user at your location, or an insurance company has made changes to the profile that is associated with an assignment.

See Also

Viewing Insurance Company Profile Features

Creating a New Claim Office Profile

Creating a New Profile Automatically

Copying Profile Data to Another Profile

Using Copy Profile

Updating Claim Office Profile Data

Deleting a Claim Office Profile

Searching Profiles

Editing or Viewing a Profile

Basic Settings


Estimating Settings

Estimating Rules

Overview - Repair Management







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